There has been much progress with the dining room. I wanted to share a part of it to ask for your opinion. Included in the Saida Ikat stencil packet from Cutting Edge Stencils was a border stencil - I had mentioned this in an earlier post - which helped me determine placement. It really gives the work a more finished look. I used it starting at the top of the wall and worked my way down to the chair rail.

You will have to excuse the slightly askew pictures. I had to lean at an angle while trying to take the best pictures I could given the state of the dining room with furniture out-of-place, dining table loaded with items from the breakfront and so on.
I have yet to do the areas around the trim. I did this when I was over a week into a crazy virus so I got tired of working around the edges and decided to leave it for another day. As I have two stencils I plan to cut one up and use a smaller piece to finish these areas.
This is where I need your opinion. I am considering - very strongly - leaving just the border above the doorways and window - not pictured - rather than fill in the rest of the missing pattern. What do you think?

After I fill in the missing pieces I will touch up the trim and parts of the stenciling, too.
So, let me know whether you think I should leave just the border above the doorways and window or fill in the entire pattern.
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